The most popular post at Calf Sessions has now been made into a movie. Back in June, 2013 when I originally posted The Science of Mixing Milk Replacer – Mixology 101, I never expected it to generate the interest it has. And that interest continues today.
The movie is based on images, animation and narration and follows the basic flow of the original article:
- importance of accurately measuring milk replacer powder using appropriate tools to ensure correct and consistent nutrition
- aspects of mixing including temperature and concentration or solids of the milk replacer solution
- the effect of temperature on solubility — what happens to the fat emulsion when mix temps are extreme
- importance and effect of milk replacer temperature at feeding time
The Science of Mixing Milk Replacer movie has been added to the Calf Sessions Video library and can be accessed at any time. Click below to view the movie now. Enjoy!
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